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Dan Peppers (pepsX) started out by making a simple stand to support his Honda VTX to service it. The idea for the stand was conceived while the bike was balanced on the ATV/motorcycle jack. After having to move the jack twice to get out both drain plugs, and using fifty rags to clean the mess of spilled oil on the jack and garage floor, Dan envisioned a stand to safely support the heavy cruiser without the jack being in the way. The resulting design was a product that is both safe and easy to use, thus providing convenient access for mortocycle maintenance and modifications.

After seeing the stand in use, one of Dan's VTX friends wanted one for himself. Word spread with pictures and threads posted on the VTXOA forum board. and a market quickly developed. We are proud to say it is now in use worldwide.

All products on this side were designed and produced by Dan Peppers with input from friends and fellow riders.